The Exovoid

$1/$2/$5/$10/$20 - We are hard-core gamers. We are hard-core game makers.

Many of the studios we have worked at, games we have worked on, have taken the attitude of "it's not ready to show. Don't release it, yet". We don't like that.

We want you to see the Exovoid. 
Know the Exovoid. Experience it. Play it. Now.

You can certainly wait until we are all done. You can wait for the final, complete game wrapped in a nice bow. If you do that, great. But, it will cost you. Full price. $60. If that is what you want to do, then bookmark us, follow us on Twitter, jump into our Discord and just lurk and listen. We'll let you know when the game is done.

What we really want, though, is for you to jump in now and join us on the ride, the journey of the making. If you want to do that, then we have a deal for you!

Prototype 1 starts at $1. With each major prototype we release, we will increase that price to $2, $5, $10, $20.

Our Early Access will be $20. Early Access will be our Vertical Slice. It will be a full and complete first part of the game. You can certainly wait until our formal Early Access if that is your thing. It will cost you $20. Not a problem for us. Or you can jump in now.

Our current price point is → Prototype 1 → $1.However and whenever you want to come into the Exovoid, we welcome you. You are in for a bumpy ride, but we're with you.

We'll see you on the other side.